Join the Apple and Grape 2024 Team!
Thank you for taking the time to check out what becoming a Volunteer is all about.
No event can run successfully without the generosity of volunteers and the Apple and Grape Harvest Festival is no different. The festival has operated in its current format for over 50 years, overseen by the Festival President and management committee responsible for the organisation and running of the individual segments that make up the ten-day festival.
Dozens of volunteers assist in all manner of tasks from administrative duties to acting as ambassadors for our town. We will discuss with you the variety of jobs and try to fit you in somewhere that suits your personality, physical fitness, and interests. Every volunteer is valuable. A roster is compiled, and tasks assigned to each volunteer to be sure that no-one is put under unnecessary pressure. If you cannot attend your rostered time, please contact us as soon as possible so we can arrange a replacement.
Some areas we do need volunteers are:
- Administrative assistance in the festival office
- Acting as station hosts and volunteers at the Busking Championships
- putting up & pulling down lights, bunting, arches, and temporary fencing
- Manning gates at the Open Gardens
- Assisting Mt Marlay Fun Run, Grand Parade, Grape Crush and Fireworks as marshals
- Giving out information and programmes at information stands
- General run-about assistance as needed.
- Assisting at displays and competitions (e.g. Bush Poets Breakfast; Paddock to Plate displays)
You may also like to join our Apple & Grape Festival Friends & Volunteers Facebook group.

Volunteer Expression Of Interest
Volunteer Instructions
Volunteers are recognised as a key part of our Festival, and we are committed to your health and safety while you are working with us. You will be asked, before you commence any work with us, whether you feel you can do the task. If you feel uncomfortable at any stage, please let us know and we will reassign you to another task. You will be provided with as much instruction as possible.
We ask:
- if you see or hear of anything which you believe is unsafe or poses a hazard you advise our volunteers’ coordinator immediately.
- if you are hurt or you see an incident where another person is hurt you must immediately advise us and an incident report form will be completed and actioned
- that you take reasonable care to protect your own health and safety and manage any risks appropriately
- you to come to your task feeling well and uninjured.
- you to avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of any other person (including patrons) through any act or omissions during your duties.
- if you leave your post during your shift, please advise the volunteers’ coordinator as soon as practicable.
- you to use protective equipment where instructed.
- you do not participate in any activity which has not been sanctioned by us during your time as a volunteer (this includes consumption of alcohol)
- for your cooperation with our officials in ensuring a safe and healthy environment
We are committed to providing adequate insurance cover for volunteers whilst carrying out their volunteering roles that have been approved and authorised by us. We want to let you know that the following events are unlikely to be covered by our insurance:
- actions that are beyond the scope of your volunteer role, or that occur without appropriate authority or permission from us.
- criminal activity (including criminal charges arising out of driving incidents)
- dishonest or reckless activities
Your personal details and the personal details of your next of kin will be retained on file for the purposes of filling volunteer positions for the Stanthorpe Festival Association Inc. Personal information is not disclosed to any other person or group unless we have your consent in writing, except where required by law. At the finalisation of the Stanthorpe Apple and Grape Harvest Festival 2024 all-volunteer application forms are destroyed. We do not sell, trade or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information.